A Wedding Wish
Whether you are straight or gay,
Whether you are on a one-dollar budget or a million-dollar budget,
Whether this is the first time down the aisle or the 3rd time,
Whether you are young or older,
Whether you are walking down the aisle or up the steps to the justice of the peace,
I wish you peace on your wedding day.
Whether no one believes in your love or you have the support of your entire community, Whatever your religious beliefs,
I have a wedding wish for you.
My wish for you is as you plan your wedding
that you remain within the center of yourself,
knowing that you can handle everything that this process and this day offers.
I, Cia promise to give you my best wisdom and support,
to guide you within the center of yourself to a peaceful, calm that no one can touch.
Being mindful and living in the moment is the ultimate gift you can give yourself and everyone around you.
Relax as your dream day unfolds
Know that all is well no matter what.
Joy and Bliss are yours.
My wedding Wish is one that you deserve.
Services Offered
Wedding Party Bonding / Wedding Day / Individual Sessions