
Mindfulness is when you decide to remain aware in the present moment.

Join the Untethered, LLC Community as we embark upon this 5-Day Mindfulness Challenge wherein you will deepen your mindfulness practice and begin to feel the peace you deserve.

It is the practice of noticing and sensing what is going on around you and within in you as opposed to being overwhelmed by these things. It is scientifically proven that mindfulness:

INCREASES Peace, Empathy, Compassion & Awareness
IMPROVES Focus, Memory, Regulation of Emotions & Body Satisfaction
REDUCES Anxiety, Stress, Implicit Age & Race Bias, Mind Distractions & Depression

Mindfulness begets Peace.

Here is a beautiful definition of Peace:

Peace does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble, or hard work.
It means to be in the midst of those things and still be calm in your heart.

Make time for yourself; make a quiet space within.

This challenge takes place via email.

For the next five days, you'll receive the Mindfulness action for the day, along with feedback and support on your journey to mindfulness.